Merry Christmas & Happy Solstice!

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All that I see before me, I see with the eyes of LOVE. I choose to align to the Truth of knowing all my needs are met now & always. I gratefully allow Divine Flow of Peace & Joy in me, through me, & as me with grace & ease. Gratefully, I claim this as my dominant State of Being. I invite you to invoke this intention & see as an experiment how it makes a difference in your life.

The angels are close to us in this time of High Holy Days. This is when the darkness comes & allows us to reach inside, sense & feel the true brilliant light of your Eternal Self. Embrace your darkness. Your shadow is necessary so you can truly connect to who & what you really are. By darkness I mean emotions of sadness, fear, guilt, shame, unworthiness, anger, resentment, & feelings of not being good enough. Feel it to heal it. But don’t stay too long.

If we deny these issues they can become disease in our tissues. The Gateway to our Divinity is through our humanity. When we can accept what is without judgment there is Expansion, Freedom, & LOVE.

There is great beauty in contrast. Nature paints the most brilliant sunsets to remind us we are all Works of Art. Here, the light & the darkness meet in the center with a brilliant, luminous, flaming, red heart. Can you see it? Can you feel it? Breathe it into your heart! This is living art!



The dark serves a purpose of contraction. Contraction is necessary for birth. When we are in fear, more fear shows up & it becomes very painful. When we can breathe through the birthing process we allow ourselves to expand into our greater yet to be. Birth yourself with Love, Trust, & Faith that gives you the strength & ability to move upward & grow into more Joy, Peace, & Freedom with who & what you really are. Connect to the light & allow Expansion & New Beginnings. Remember to breathe deeply. Breath and Spirit are One.

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Don’t let your issues stay in your tissues. Look at what’s been created this year by you. Yes! You! Situations beyond our control sometimes happen, but it is our choice how to respond. We can choose to react from fear with unconscious patterns of our past, or respond from Love & consciously by choice. When we choose love more than fear, our lives reflect it. We feel more fulfilled & happy. Simply, we are happy!

My prayer for you is that you choose to forgive yourself & others for the past.

Embrace this Truth. You are a Spiritual Being having a human experience, we are all that. Everyone is doing the best they can for the amount of light & consciousness that they/we had at the time. If you/they could have done better, you/they would have done so.

Let go, let Love, get Present & Merge with Divine Presence.

Let’s all move forward & choose Love. May your heart be filled with Love, Abundance, Health, Joy, & Peace. Have a Merry Christmas & Happy Solstice!

Love & Light… Dale

My prayer for you is Love, Peace, & Abundant Blessings

In Service & Gratitude… Dale

Go Forth in Joy!

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Dale Bach
